Energy law


​​The energy industry is undergoing ever more dynamic change, in particular its legal framework. As a result, energy companies can barely keep track of all regulations applicable to the energy industry.
As energy law consultants, we at Rödl & Partner are always informed of the latest regulatory developments and stand ready to assist you with our expertise. Our experts and attorneys thus offer comprehensive energy law consulting services.
In addition to "classic" energy companies, in particular public utilities, our clients include energy trading and production companies, municipalities, private investors and companies conducting or intending to conduct business in the energy sector.
Our expertise in energy law comprises the entire field of energy law, including renewable energies and regulatory issues as well as energy-specific consulting services in the areas of company law / M&A and competition law in the energy sector.


Our services relating to energy law include:



Contact Person Picture

Christian Marthol


+49 911 9193 3555

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