Draft Cyber Security Law

​​​​Shortly after the coup in 2021, the State Administration Council (SAC) which ousted the elected government under Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy (NLD), circulated their draft Cyber Security Law and yielded criticism from most Chambers of Commerce and other stakeholders. 

As a result of the increasing control of the Internet by the military, the use of VPNs on end-devices has become widespread among the population, since access to social media is no longer possible without VPNs. Social media is essential for sharing information in Myanmar, especially after further restrictions on press freedom.

In its draft of the Cyber Security Law, the SAC tries to restrict the use of the Internet in general, to ban Social Media via VPNs in particular and to criminalize them. This should not only curb the flow of information within the population, but also dry up the fundraising opportunities of the shadow government.
The newly submitted draft was sent to various ministries, chambers of commerce, banks and telecom companies, which were able to submit their statement before January 28, 2022 to comment. The draft would give the SAC unlimited powers to access user data, remove objectionable content, restrict internet providers, server connections altogether, and punish violators with jail terms. The draft has neither been amended nor has a new Cyber Security Law been enacted yet.

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