A Short interview about the coalition agreement with Heike Viole


After the positive member vote of the SPD, the coalition agreement between the CDU/CSU and SPD could be finally signed on March 12th, 2018.


The coalition agreement consists of numerous plans, however they are naturally vaguely formulated. Even regarding the energy economy statements, which can mostly be found in the context of ”Energiewende” (energy revolution) and climate protection, have been made. For the future this (again) means: away from the energy production with fossil fuels and towards an energy supply based on renewable energy.


We asked lawyer Heike Viola, just how sustainable the goals are or if it is merely old wine in new bottles.


Which goals are pursued by the new government regarding the energy economical orientation in the coming parliament term?

The self-defined climate goals are only reachable with the help and usage of renewable energy, which shall be systematically expanded. Furthermore, special attention is paid towards efficiency of renewable energy, the increase of market orientation and the grid synchronization.


This sounds promising, or is there a catch?

The backlog from the last years must be compensated. The euphorically atmosphere of departure appears deceived. The planed extraordinary announcements settle the debts of the last years. That is the only way how the objectives for 2020 can still be reached.


Which goals beside the expansion of renewable energy are being pursued?

The focus is to improve the synchronization between renewable energy and grid capacity. The good news is, that the government apparently realized the need besides the grid extension to further promote storage technology. From our point of view the regulatory framework lags behind the technological possibilities.


How do you see the coming legislative period for the industry/sector?

The positive aspect is, the government realized that only renewable energies can be the backbone for a carbon dioxide neutral Federal Republic. However, the climate and environment safety were already part of the proceeding coalition agreement. It will be interesting what the government can really achieve. Especially the pace in which the coalition wants to create the regulatory framework has to be evaluated critically. The expansion of renewable energy can only move ahead if the grids are prepared.

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