New guidelines for tax registration in Vietnam

​On 23 December 2024, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular 86/2024/TT-BTC, amending Circular 105/2020/TT-BTC and updating some guidelines for tax registration in Vietnam.

The key amendments are as follows:

1. Entities required to register for tax purposes:

The requirement to list businesses under certain laws (e.g. insurance, accounting, auditing, etc.) has been removed to avoid legal inconsistencies due to changes in specialised laws.


2. ​​Structure of Tax Identification Number (“TIN”): 

  • Foreign contractors in a single contract with Vietnamese entities who wish to declare and pay taxes separately will now be assigned a separate TIN;
  • TIN can now be assigned for those paying on behalf of business cooperation contracts, but only upon request for a separate TIN;

3. Initial tax registration procedure:

  • The requirement to list dependent units (Form BK02-ĐK-TCT) has been removed from the initial tax registration documents.
  • Add the location for submitting tax registration documents for taxpayers who enter into an oil contract as a contractor or investor when they transfer part of the contributed capital to a business unit or an interest in an oil contract, and submit them to the Large Enterprise Tax Department when the operator is assigned to be managed by the Large Enterprise Tax Department.​

​4. Termination of TIN:

Regulations on transferring any surplus tax or unclaimed VAT from dissolved or merged units to the parent or newly formed units have been introduced.

5. Forms:

Forms for tax registration and related documents have been amended and supplemented, such as:
  • Modifying the tax registration declaration forms (01-ĐK-TCT, 02-ĐK-TCT) to include personal identification numbers and integrate data from the national population database.
  • Updating the form for listing foreign contractor and subcontractor contracts paying tax through the Vietnamese party 
Circular 86/2024/TT-BTC took effect from 6 February 2025, replacing Circular 105/2020/TT-BTC.

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