Power generation

​In Germany a comprehensive restructuring of the energy supply structure is taking place. The former organisation with just a few centrally located power generation companies supplying electricity to consumers is changing over to a decentrally organised infrastructure allowing power generation companies and consumers to grow together. The types and sizes of projects vary but the focus is always on economic generation plant for the production of electricity or heat for own use or for feeding into the power grid.
This leads to many questions regarding the respective generation project and the object to be supplied. Rödl & Partner will support you in the following areas connected with energy generation.

Economic efficiency

Biomass cogeneration plants, photovoltaic systems, wind turbines or decentral cogeneration units all need to be economically efficient. The project should generate the expected return or in comparison to other generation technologies represent the best alternative. A decision can be made based on a comparison of contracting offers or a specific calculation of performance indicators, the lowest levelised cost of energy or heat generation costs taking state subsidies into account.


The restructuring of the German energy industry is being supported by the German government through various subsidy programs. The construction of environmentally friendly generation facilities is subject to an audit and this has to be integrated in the financing. The programs of the KfW development bank owned by the German government, the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control, the German ministry for the environment and state regions all have to be examined with regard to their applicability. Subsidy laws such as the Renewable Energy Law and the Combined Heat and Power Act form a basis for investments.

Marketing of heat and electricity

The products of heat and electricity have to be marketed. Information on the marketing of heat is available on our page for district heating.
The marketing of electricity is subject to strict regulations. The calculated revenue is critical and therefore we recommend a meticulous check of the respective distribution model.
The application of economic opportunities and legal possibilities within the framework of energy law for the direct and indirect marketing, e.g. market bonus schemes, own consumption models, regional and local distribution models, must be always checked in relation to the respective project and the opportunity of additional revenue weighed up against the risk of medium-term stocks.

Public law 

Large generation projects have to meet high requirements regarding planning and approval law. In this case it should be established right from the start whether the project is feasible and whether it can be realised without costly regulatory requirements.


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Kai Imolauer


+49 911 9193 3606

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