Compliance management

​​​​​​​Compliance management is the identification of significant liability risks that energy companies, executives and employees are exposed to and the mitigation of the identified risks by adequate means. This is not only an issue for the “big players” but also for small and mid-sized energy suppliers.
Specifically, compliance management aims to eliminate the following risks:
                • Company financial risks (e.g. resulting from administrative sanctions or criminal acts)
                • D&O liability risks (e.g. in terms of imprisonment and fines)
                • Reputational and business risks (e.g. due to bad press, loss of customers' or contractors' trust)
                  In this context and particularly for small and mid-sized energy suppliers, a lean and effective implementation that can be practiced day-to-day is crucial. We place emphasis on intensive involvement of the affected staff in order to increase acceptance rates and, consequently, the efficiency of compliance management.
Our consulting services in the field of compliance management include:
  • Initial compliance assessment and compliance workshop
  • Advice on conceptualisation, implementation and documentation (avoidance of organisational negligence)
  • Distribution of competencies among staff and within the organisation
  • Organisation of training courses and employee information events
  • Development and documentation of company guidelines
  • Development of company-wide guidelines, such as e.g. anti-corruption policies, procurement guidelines, guidelines on data protection and the use of electronic media by employees, codes of conduct during search-and-seizure procedures etc.
  • Compliance management system reviews according to IDW Prüfungsstandard 980 [review principles for compliance management systems, issued by IDW] on a voluntary basis



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Christian Marthol


+49 911 9193 3555

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