Competition and distribution law


​​​​​​Energy suppliers face growing competitive pressure and increased competition in the field of energy distribution.

More and more small and mid-sized energy suppliers are thus choosing a structured approach to obtaining the energy required to supply customers. The contracts to be signed in this respect frequently involve significant risks that can only be assessed by a thorough legal and commercial review.

On the sales side, the successful distribution of energy, from product design to marketing, requires compliance with numerous different provisions, in particular in the areas of fair trading law, trademark law, media law as well as the law on general terms of business with due regard to the specific requirements of energy legislation.

Last but not least, the increasing number of court proceedings and warning letters in this area shows how important the legal certainty of energy distribution has become in practice.

In view of this fact, Rödl & Partner advises and supports you in the optimisation, development and implementation of your procurement and distribution activities.

Our consulting services for procurement, distribution and competition in the energy sector include:
  • Review and drafting of customised procurement contracts
  • Requests for tenders on energy procurement and their evaluation
  • Assistance in the development and introduction of new distribution products
  • Review and drafting of customised supply contracts
  • Review and drafting of price clauses
  • Support in administrative and court proceedings concerning the review of distribution costs
  • Conception, assistance in and review of advertising
  • Activities
  • Conception and review of corporate communications, in particular of online presence
  • Out-of-court and court proceedings in case of violations of competition law



Contact Person Picture

Dr. Thomas Wolf, LL.M. oec.


+49 911 9193 3518

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